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Required Courses

The HPA Minor requires the following four courses (3 hrs each), plus one elective, for a total of 15 credits. Please note prerequisites include an Applied Statistics course and ECN 150.

HPA 150: Introduction to Public Health
Offered fall and spring semester

HES 360: Epidemiology
(Prerequisite: an applied statistics course)
Offered both fall and spring semesters

ECN  240: The Economics of Health and Medicine
(Prerequisite: Economics 150, an applied statistics course)

HPA 250: Internship in Health Policy and Administration
Arranged and approved by Director to be carried out senior year


HPA Electives include, but are not limited to: (choose one)

Anthropology 362: Medical Anthropology
Health and Exercise 312: Exercise and Health Psychology
Health Policy Administration 262: Special Topics
History 311: Special Topics in History
History 339: Sickness and Health in American History
Philosophy 161:  Introduction to Bioethics
Psychology 322: Psychopharmacology
Sociology 335: Sociology of Health and Illness

Other electives may be approved by the Director if deemed to be relevant to the minor.